Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Trip to the Yellow Mountains!

Trip to the Yellow Mountains!

Katie and I have been dying to get out of the city and do some exploring in some Chinese mountains.  We wanted to make sure we got the legit Chinese mountains, like the kind you see in Chinese restaurants and Kung Fu Panda, so we did our research and asked the locals and found just the place.  Our journey began late Thursday night/Friday morning at 1:30am as we boarded the train.  In our efforts to reduce trip costs we made the fatal mistake of buying the cheapest train tickets we could find.    Katie and I boarded the train expecting the Polar Express, and instead of hot chocolate and Tom Hanks we found a half dressed man sprawled across our seats fast asleep and a packed train car of smelly migrant workers all starring at us.  I think any trip that starts with, "woo Katie look at that cool tattoo covering his back" is bound to leave a mark.  To pass time I tried playing the blinking game with man across from us but he would always win and even when I wasn't playing I couldn't shake his glare.  Both Katie and I just hugged our backpacks and took turns nodding off.  In short it was a six hour train ride of memories that still wake me up in my sleep.  After arriving to the city of Huang Shan we boarded a bus that winded up into the mountains for an hour and a half.  I'd say the bus was a relief from the train, but the kid in front of us puked on the floor twenty minutes into it... and then fourty minutes into it and so I counted every minute. Finally we arrived to the base of the mountain and began our hike up the mountain.  It wasn't long before we both agreed it was all worth it.  I've found the Chinese to be rather efficient even now in their trail making.  First off the entire trail consisted of stone steps that go strait up the mountain, and there is no such thing as switch backs, because that would just be waste of time.  And while they were busy building stair cases all over the mountain I guess they decided to throw in some hotels and stores on top of the mountain too.  They actually have a cable car that can take you all the way up the mountain.  Ha its a little bit different style of camping. The weather and temperature was perfect and the fall colors were exploding.  We took a bajillion pictures and so I'll let them do the talking.

"Excuse me sir, when should I expect the hot chocolate to arrive?"

Bus Ride

Chinese Autumn

Let the journey begin!

The boy next to Katie is mid-panic yelling "Don't look, don't look!!" According to him we barley escaped with our lives. 

"Its so fluffy!"

a much needed lunch break

We made new friends

"I can't feel my legs..."

Don't be fooled at how easy he makes this look, both of those bags probably weigh over 100 lbs. We passed men all day hauling these kinds of loads up and down the mountain. They are amazing! 

Lotus Peak
You can see the trail cut into the side of the mountain that leads to Lotus Peak, the tallest point in the Yellow Mountains. The steepest staircase I've ever climbed!

We got used to striking poses for random pictures for random strangers!

Finally found our hotel!

On top of Lotus Peak!

We made it!

Closet for 2 please!

Day 2
We embraced the Asian  tradition of wearing matching couple shirts!

Another hotel on top of the mountain

Mmm... baby bums. Still deciding whether or not this is a good idea. Can't see it ending well.

Love the translation

Don't like hiking stairs or cable cars? Don't worry, they've come up with a solution for that too..

We did it!!!


  1. You two are the cutest! It looks like you're having so much fun. Thanks for sharing!

  2. So many thoughts! 1- so beautiful! 2- makes me tired just looking at the pictures. You guys are awesome for making it all the way! 3- so if that baby goes...it just runs down the parents back? No thank you!

  3. SO
    cool!! and such a beautiful place. Good on ya for making that hike!
