Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good Eats!

 Its been a grand adventure figuring out all the new cuisines! There has been a number of times where we've been handed a mystery bowl and we both look up at each other with a sour look and Trevor says, "my bad".  But more often than not we've found a lot of winners! We've loved the steamed breads and dumplings and they actually have some really good bakeries with yummy pastries and breads. 

Because Chinese menus can be very vague with actually telling you what your about to eat our best luck has come by roaming around the restaurants until we see someone eating something we think might be good to eat and then asking them what its called.  The Chinese people can be so kind when they realize what they're doing seems appealing to you too.  Many of them throw in other great suggestions and even offer to order it for you. Ha so nice!

  We've really only had one bad experience eating her in China and that's when we decided to try some American food and go to a Subway.  Lets just say Jared would not have approved. 

The food is extremely cheap here and we usually are only spending about 20 kuai (equal to $3.27) for both of us to cover a big meal.  It sure makes for some cheap date nights! We've been lucky enough to avoid any bad bugs and the food has been surprisingly cooperative with our tummies.

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